Anthropo-graphieReal-time capture of unconscious gestures, invisible traces of a discipline returned on paper, MOOS marks the movements and breaks of a computer mouse. Spatial and temporal reference, a visualization of our professional practices.
Real-time capture of unconscious gestures, invisible traces of a discipline returned on paper, MOOS marks the movements and breaks of a computer mouse. Spatial and temporal reference, a visualization of our professional practices.
“Its creative potential is not limited to the computer instrument of the mouse, but can also be extended to other professions and therefore other tools of work : the painter’s painter’s paintbrush, the cabinet maker’s hammer or the dentist’s strawberry can then reveal their graphic drawings.”
At the heart of the “Moos” project, there’s just a mouse. Not the devastating rodent, but the computer tool that, domesticated, deploys all its creative strength over a day in front of the screen.
From computer startup to shutdown, the “Moos” software records the least movement of the mouse and thus produces the anthropo-graphic portrait of its user at a given point.
Moos reveals the invisible movements of the mouse and stages them in the form of a drawing every time new.
Depending on the pause times and mouse activities, this software visually and skillfully interprets the breathing of a tool whose artistic qualities are underestimated : computer mouse.
These “portraits” are displayed in printed prints but are also works that can be followed in real time on the big screen.
Moos is a creative system constantly open to new possibilities and new results.
By tracing the invisible movements of the mouse, going back up the thread of its actions, and thus revealing the invisible, Moos acts as an indicator of the process of producing and developing a work.
At the same time, he questions the artist’s status.
Is he the producer or spectator of his shares ? Is the production system not decisive in a work? Computer technologies may allow him to occupy both positions and put his work tool at the forefront.
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